The role of sugar in human nutrition:
Sugar as an energy source is the only nutrient that can be produced purely and, given the sweet taste and the taste of the food and supplies of energy other than food, the demand for it in Iran and other developing countries has always been Increasingly, as one of the strategic goods, it is always a matter of government support. The sugar industry is one of the industries most closely associated with earlier and lateral circles in the national economy’s production chain. The most important sectors of the sugar and sugar industry are the agricultural sector (raw sugar, sugar cane), the industrial sector (capital equipment), the oil sector (energy supply), transportation and transportation (transportation services). Households receive the most from sugar production, as well as food, agricultural, commercial, dairy products, animal feed and poultry products are among the most consumed sugar and sugar industries. The optimum climate for sugar beet is moderately sweet, while the sugar cane is a plant that is adapted to the high-humidity and humidity of the crop.
Sugar History:
The root of the sugar word is related to the word Sakara, which in Sanskrit is referred to as sugar cane and its juice.
The source of this product is sugar beet pulp, which is the main source of sugar beetles. It was then taken to India, and was taken from Indonesia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. From the point of view of the fact that fresh cheesecake is considered to be new, the pastures are long-term cultivars and, according to agriculture, it reaches more than 1500 BC in India from India, cultivated in India and the Orient several years before Christ. After 300 BC, sugar was produced in solid form.
The state of the sugar industry in the world:
Sugar production in the world, in different parts of the world, is comparable to atmospheric conditions and natural resources, both sugar and sugar cane sugar.
The world’s largest producers of brittle products include Brazil, India, China, Thailand and the United States, among which
Brazil and India will account for as much as 11 percent.
Brazil, a producer whose cost of producing sugar from other countries in the lower end of the Trust has played a significant role in
Widths of the nicolas in the world. The major share of sugar production in the world is sugar cane. This share is on average about
۸۰% and the rest is sugar beet production.